gear selector indicator câu
It’s like the currently proceeding Natural Selector.Giống như giải Natural Selector hiện đang tiến hành vậy. It’s like the currently pr...

Velocity corrections are easy, but an angle change, that becomes a trig problem.He's gonna need indicators between the podium and the sh...

Finler, why don't you just shut up and put your gear on?Finler, sao anh không im miệng và mặc đồ của anh vào hả? We need all available...

in gear
Guys, get your titanic rears in gear... and kick some Olympian butt.Các chiến hữu, mau tung toàn lực... Húc đổ núi Olympia cho ta. Get...

channel selector
Without this feature, the user would have to use the channel selector to switch to the channel where the last message occurred.Không có...

column selector
You can click a column selector to select an entire column in the query design grid or the filter design grid.Bạn có thể bấm vào một bộ...

file selector
A file selector will let you choose the file. eMail Verifier then loads the selected file adding all entries to the list on screen.Một ...

function selector
Among other novelties, this is the first watch to boast a function selector with a full five positions to permit adjustment of all sett...

group selector
Includes a .group selector for the new clearfixBao gồm a .group selector cho new clearfix Includes a .group selector for the new clearf...

item selector
NOTE: this is an advanced option since every theme is different, you might need support from your theme developer to learn what the cor...

mode selector
On the left side of the screen you get flash mode selector and the Zoe toggle.Ở bên trái màn hình là lựa chọn flash mode và tính năng Z...

range selector
Use the date range selector to view data for different time periods.Sử dụng bộ chọn ngày để xem dữ liệu cho các khoảng thời gian cụ thể...

rotary selector
The XDJ-RX2 boasts a large, 7-inch touch screen with QWERTY search, plus features inherited from the CDJ-2000NXS2 and DJM-9000NXS2, inc...

selector fork
Previously, when milling their range of gear selector forks, a high feed method was used, with multiple face cutters for one component.T...

selector lever
With manual transmission, the selector lever is in front of the MMI terminal.Với hộp số tay, đòn bẩy chọn là ở phía trước của nhà ga MM...

selector mode
When you start to press down on the shutter-release button, the camera, set to the Smart Photo Selector mode, instantly begins recordin...

selector switch
Pickup Switching: 3-Position Selector SwitchHỏi] Công tắc chuyển mạch 3 vị trí (Selector switch 3 positions) This tool has a 3-Speed s...

selector valve
If the rated flow rate of the selector valve is smaller than the working flow, it is likely to cause hydraulic clamping and hydrodynami...

sensitivity selector
Auto Standby switch / Sensitivity selector (high, low and off)Auto Standby với bộ chọn độ nhạy(High, Low và Off)

speed selector
Without canceling the Crawl Control mode, the driver can use the brakes for slowing vehicle speed and increase or decrease speed by adj...

voltage selector
Mains voltage: 115 V or 230 V with voltage selectorNguồn cấp: 115 V or 230 V, switching selector

gearbox selector fork
Previously, when milling their range of gear selector forks, a high feed method was used, with multiple face cutters for one component.T...

activity indicator
Network activity indicatorGiới thiệu Network Activity Indicator Network activity indicatorGiới thiệu Network Activity Indicator activi...

altitude indicator
Did he mean to say, altitude indicator?Ý cụ nói cái kích thước ợ? These six basic flight instruments include an airspeed indicator, att...

balance indicator
Likewise, the agreed sales net balance indicator pointed to no change in transactions at the national level, although sales did reporte...